Saturday, January 19, 2008

THE JACKRABBIT FACTOR a story, by Leslie Householder

I have another exciting and great book to recommend to you all. This book is an absolutely EASY read, written in a "story" version to get the point across. It focuses on how to get what you want out of life. At the back of the book is even ideas in helping you to write down your own goals and how to "word" it right. I loved this book because it is so simplistic, yet very profound at the same time. I would love to hear from any of you who read this book.


Stef said...

I hope that someday, when Ro gets a little bigger, I will have time to read again. I have tried to start a few books in the last few months, and I just can't get through them!

Tiffany said...

Stef, I remember those days, but the books can wait, Rowan can't because he will just grow up.