Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Architecture of all Abundance Chapter 4

Centered in Being

Ride your fears, use them to push you along. They irritate, but be patient, use them, don't ignore them.

What you resist will persist, accept the pain, it will go away!

"You are always in the center of your Being, the task is to bring your awareness back to it."

"There is so much to access beyond our individual minds, a vast universe of wisdom that is our birthright. It only requires silence, commitment, and practice."

"Developing the higher intuition involves accessing the wisdom of the Soul (spirit) --becoming responsive to our souls. When one accesses the soul, what comes forth is pure knowingness."

"Know that your Soul (spirit) is connected to the Source of all that is." (Heavenly Father)

Practice talking to your spirit, listen to it. Learn to hear it.

"You will always know your soul's voice by its quality of peace." Read that again!
"Forget about the outcome; forget about how long it will take or whether you will be good enough to do it; forget about whether you are doing it right."
"...the distance between us and what we long for is short......"
"From this place we can have revealed, in our hearts, the purpose and destiny of our humanity. We can BE the peace that we long for."

I know as I have put this into practice, I have had amazing results. For me it takes patience and a conscious effort. It also seems I have to be reminded of doing things like this, that is one reason why I am posting it. 1-to help others, 2-to remind myself.

Have the mental discipline to say "NO" to negative!

Who are the happiest people in the world?
Those activley involved in conscious personal growth.

Ask yourself "What is standing in my way of making my dreams come true?"
Then, you need to write down the answer with the hand you DO NOT normally write with.
Doing this uses the other side of your brain, sometimes called "the inner child" and you will get a more honest answer this way. Don't be afraid to use this technique with other questions. I have had great success with this.

Good luck everyone, and happy growth!!

Everything in " " is taken from Architecture of All Abundance by: Lenedra J. Carroll

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