Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Architecture of All Abundance Capter 8 (Part 1): by Lenedra Carroll

It has been a REALLY long time since I have posted from this book. I was thinking about it last night and how much it has helped me, so I decided to post on it today.

Chapter 8
"Money Money Money"
"I deeply believed that money was the basis of most of my own needs, and that my dreams could not move forward without it."

As you will see this is absolutely not true, keep reading.

"There are many ideas we have accepted about money, value, lack, work, and worth. These ideas form a belief system that creates the principles that we operate by regarding money. They vastly influence our relationships and dreams."

I challenge you to write down your "thoughs and beliefs" about money. Examples: there is never enough money, only the rich get richer, it is bad to have money, it is bad to receive help from others, people without money are happier, etc etc.
Lenedra then suggests replacing the word "money" with "power," or "love," "time," and "success."

"To change our relationship to prosperity, we must first see what our current relationship to it is."

Lenedra goes on to say that we should value our time as much as we value our money. "What are you worth to yourself?" For instance: would you spend $30 to have someone mow the lawn or clean your home so you could spend more time with your children, or develope a talent, or serve or create, or fulfill a dream?

"I know we can become so bound by the idea of what we cannot afford that we can hardly breathe, let alone take a class or pay someone else to clean our house or mow the lawn. But I also know that at the core it is NEVER about the money. There is ALWAYS a way for the determined person to understand their purpose and dream, and be guided to its fulfillment. There are moments in one's life when one has to stretch, to risk, to leap forward naked into the wind."

At one point in Lenedra's life she was divorced and was only qualified for minimum wage jobs. However she did not let that stop her. She did not just go and get ANY job. She set the standard of a minimum wage for herself ($25.00 per hour). Keep in mind this was over 10 years ago. She CHOSE to teach art and music classes. She taught self-help and spiritual development classes. SHE FOUND A WAY!

"In business it is necessary to invest a good share of the earnings back into the business so that is remains healthy and generative over time. In the same way, your investment in yourself will bring the highest gain."

How are you going to invest in yourself?
Ask yourself this question: In my personal economy, what do you value? Some answers; love, freedom, joy, fulfillment, people, community, creativity, nature, spiritual growth etc etc.

"Your prosperity consciousness is not dependent on money; your flow of money is dependent on your prosperity consciousness. As you can conceive of more, more will come into your life."
--Louise Hay

Think about that. You do not have to know the way, you just believe and then be ready to put faith into action. This applies to spiritual growth as well as temporal growth.
Do you want a stronger testimony? Do you want to have a witness about a gospel truth? Do you want to be able to hear the "still small voice" more frequently? Do you want to share the gospel openly? PUT THE IDEA INTO YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS, BELIEVE IT WILL HAPPEN, AND TAKE THE OPPORTUNITIES WHEN THEY COME.
Do you want more temporal growth? Not sure what to do with your life? Not sure about the next big business decision? How can you make more money? How can you work less hours? PUT IT INTO YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS, KNOW THAT THE RIGHT OPPORTUNITY OR IDEA WILL COME, THEN ACT ON IT!

Part 2 coming up next. This was A Lot to think about.

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