Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Miguel makes ice-cream?

So Miguel made me some ice-cream for mothers day. I REALLY had a craving, and since I don't, can't, won't, shouldn't, couldn't, wouldn't, eat store bought ice-cream because of the sugar and other evil ingredients......I asked Miguel to make some for me. For those who don't know him, Miguel really doesn't cook. He's great at making eggs, salsa, and tuna fish, and that's about it.
He very dutifully went over to the computer to find my recipe. (My book should be finished by June 2008)
Me: "Are you going to use that recipe?"
Miguel: "Ya."
Me: "We don't have all of those ingredients."
Miguel: "Which ones do we have?"
Me: "We don't have this, and this, and this. (we only had 4 out of 7)"
Miguel: "So what do you want me to do?"
Me: "Make it anyway, I'm a woman on the edge!!!!"

My sweet husband made me the ice-cream. I have to tell you, it was the best ice-cream I have ever had!!! I am still hoarding it to this day. There is just enough for one more bowl for me. Don't tell anyone please, I am hoping they all forgot about it!!

Thank you Miguel, I love you!!

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