Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Lord Works in Mysterious Ways

Okay, this is pretty cool. I have decided I need to become more organized and simplify my home. I wanted to get some book shelves to do this, so yesterday I became obsessed with looking for book shelves on the internet. (Walmart, Target, Ikea, ksl etc etc etc) (Money is tight so I am looking for something inexpensive.) Last night I had the feeling that I should just go and look at the DI to see if they had anything. So this morning I went over there, and to my delight there was the perfect book shelves for my needs. I cannot tell you how many times this has happened to me.
The key to this is as follows:
1-I have to have a positive attitude.
2-I have to have the spirit, hence positive attitude attracts the spirit. Negative attitude repells!
3-I have to be willing to listen.
4-I have to be willing to accept the gifts the Lord wants to give me.
5-I have to be thankful.

The law of attraction is more powerful than we think. The Lords willingness to give us gifts, no matter how large or small is POWERFUL.
Thank you Heavenly Father.

So..........what did heavenly father do for me today?
Gave me a gift of book shelves to help me organize AND helped me save money at the same time. He ALWAYS knows the desire of our hearts.

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