Monday, January 19, 2009

Homemade Butter

The dairy that I get my milk from gave me some cream the last time that I picked up. Thank you Woolsey's!! You would not believe the amazing butter that I made from that cream. I did not add any food coloring to the butter and look how yellow it is!! YUMMY!!
1 quart raw cream
Sea salt
Pour the cream into an electric mixing bowl. Using the cookie paddle attatchment whip the cream until the solids separate from the liquids. You will have large chunks of butter and water like liquid in the bottom. If you wish to drink the liquid afterwords don't salt the butter until you remove the solids from the liquid. (You can also use the liquid or buttermilk in baking.) Otherwise salt the cream as you go, to taste. Pour the butter into a strainer, and you can even rinse the butter with very cold water which will help to get out more of the liquid. Press the butter into glass canning jars. (I got 1 pint and 1/2 pint out of 1 quart of cream) More liquid will come off the butter as you do so. Try to drain as much of the liquid as possible. Then refrigerate or freeze the butter.

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